The Wandering Continues...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Celebrating 1 Year in China

time flies really fast here!

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tibet development

We have been planning to go to Tibet in beginning of May but now we have to cancel due to the recent development in Tibet. We are quite disappointed as we now have to find another location to go. The time is already fixed, it will be on the labour day week.

Nevertheles, we are quite astonished with the local media publication about Tibet. The story about the Great Firewall of China is not an urban legend, it is true indeed. In fact, after living in China for almost a year (yes, that long already!), we are quite used to the firewall. Most of the time, sites like wikipedia, bbc, blogspot are closed in China. From time to time, the Government also closed Flickr and Youtube. It's just depending on the current events going on about China in the international world.

But it is quite surprising that the Shanghai Daily and China Daily have been following up closely about the development of Tibet crisis. Of course as Tibet is at the moment closed for foreigners, we can only rely on the official reports given by the government.

I have found some pictures released in, a local news similar like CNN. More photos of current Tibet situation can be found here.

UPDATE 29.03.2008: China has recently opened to foreign newspapers to send their representatives to Tibet to do close cover-up of the current situation after the riot. Also China Daily annouces today that 15 foreign diplomats are scheduled to visit Tibet in short term.

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Celebrating International Women's day

To my surprise, China do pay respect to their women and join to celebrate the international women's day every 8th March. In normal working day, women in the office are allowed to work for only half day. This year the women's day fall on Saturday so my company gave a gift certificate from Shanghai Ticket worth of 100 Chinese Yuan to all female employees.

Now I have to figure out how to read the chinese website to make use of my voucher!

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