The Wandering Continues...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Happy day!!!

I am so goddamn happy now! I just got my 3 weeks holiday approved by my boss! So now it's official in the plan; Christmas in Mazatlan with Jorge's family and New Year's eve somewhere in the beach in Rio!!!!

Brazil, here we come!!!!!



  • You know, Eveline, that you are the best among the cool ones!

    And you need to be cool to be in Rio during summer…

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 8:56 AM  

  • Dear Eveline,

    how is your shoulder? Does physiotherapy improve your ability to move your arm? I hope for the best!!

    Best regards from a sunny Ludwigsburg


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 11:54 AM  

  • Hello Eveline

    I am very well and the babies as well.

    Now, in Brazil in winter and the weather here in São Paulo is very nice around 10 degree (in the evenings) and 19 (during the day).

    And about your new boss, are you ok? How about Jorge?

    Sandra is working with us since beginning of July and she is working in Logistics. In October she will deliver the baby. She is sending regards to you.

    Relating to Rio I am asking some information with my brother-in-law, who is “carioca” (he is from Rio).. He can give us some information about hotels, the better places to stay and how to go around in the city.

    Be prepared, because December or January in Rio is very hot (around 38 / 40 degree).

    Will it be possible you come and visit us?

    Cheers from Indaiatuba / São Paulo


    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 3:32 AM  

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