The Wandering Continues...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sichuan Earthquake: Aftermath

China was hit badly by earthquake in Sichuan province last Monday. The center of earthquake in Wenchuan county was recorded at 7.8 richter scale and the death toll as per Wednesday 2 pm was above 14.000 people and rising.

Aftershock of the earthquake was also felt in Shanghai, Beijing and Bangkok (Thailand).

I was actually having a teleconference meeting in 30th floor when it happened and for a moment I thought that I was just struck with a terrible dizziness as I felt the room shook and swayed. But then I realized that the overhead projector hanging in the ceiling of the meeting room and the window curtain were swaying too. I scream for earthquake and told everyone to immediately rush out of the room and run towards the emergency stairs. It was a panic condition at that time and by the time we got to the street, we’ve found that a lot of people are exiting from the next door building.

Thankfully, I have to say this for my case, that the center of the earthquake is about 1500 km away from Shanghai. Unfortunately it is not the same situation for those people living in Wenchuan county. Everyday I received forwarded emails showing aftermath pictures. Today the company called for a meeting to request for donation from the employees. For every cent that the employees donate, the company will donate double. I think it is a very good gesture.

If you want to donate to the earthquake in Sichuan, please go to this link.

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  • tante, gimana keadaan loe di sanghai??? gempanya serem ya??? gimana china sekarang? byk banget yg mati di sichuan. lu ok kan?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 1:32 PM  

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